


    利用面包酵母,Patricia Wittkopp和同事们开发了一种新方法阐明了随机遗传突变和自然选择对基因表达进化的影响。他们的研究结果发布在3月16日的《自然》(Nature)杂志上。








论文的第一作者、研究生Brian Metzger说:“这就像你以不改变面包平均质量的方式改变一块面包的配方,使得个别的面包块的味道不可预知的变好或变坏。”





    实验表明,自然选择不仅可以影响基因表达的水平,还影响了表达的一致性。这种表达噪音(expression noise)的一致性通过改变细胞获得最有利的基因产物量的机会影响了进化适应性。




    原文链接:Selection on noise constrains variation in a eukaryotic promoter

Genetic variation segregating within a species reflects the combined activities of mutation, selection, and genetic drift. In the absence of selection, polymorphisms are expected to be a random subset of new mutations; thus, comparing the effects of polymorphisms and new mutations provides a test for selection. When evidence of selection exists, such comparisons can identify properties of mutations that are most likely to persist in natural populations. Here we investigate how mutation and selection have shaped variation in a cis-regulatory sequence controlling gene expression by empirically determining the effects of polymorphisms segregating in the TDH3 promoter among 85 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and comparing their effects to a distribution of mutational effects defined by 236 point mutations in the same promoter. Surprisingly, we find that selection on expression noise (that is, variability in expression among genetically identical cells) appears to have had a greater impact on sequence variation in the TDH3 promoter than selection on mean expression level. This is not necessarily because variation in expression noise impacts fitness more than variation in mean expression level, but rather because of differences in the distributions of mutational effects for these two phenotypes. This study shows how systematically examining the effects of new mutations can enrich our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms. It also provides rare empirical evidence of selection acting on expression noise.

