
    事实上,约75%的人类胚胎会出现非整倍性,大多数会导致怀孕失败。女人卵细胞出现非整倍性(即减数分裂起源的非整倍性,meiotic-origin aneuploidy,MEOA)的可能性会随着年龄的增加而增大。然而,即便卵细胞没有问题,在胚胎细胞最初分裂的过程中也会引发一些错误,即有丝分裂起源的非整倍性(mitotic-origin aneuploidy,MIOA)。
    随着体外受精(in vitro fertilization ,IVF)中胚胎筛选的出现,科学家发现了MIOA是非常常见的。但是,不同的IVF夫妻之间发现MIOA的概率相差很大。为了了解引发这一差异的原因,研究小组调查了通过IVF生成的已满3日的胚胎是否出现非整倍性与父母基因突变之间的关系。
    全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study ,GWAS)显示,父母的遗传标记与MEOA的发生无任何关系;同时,GWAS还显示MIOA的出现与父亲的基因组无任何关系。然而, MIOA却与母亲基因组4号染色体上的单核苷酸(SNP rs2305957)变异有着惊人的联系。
    SNP rs2305957位于编码酶PLK4的基因附近,该酶对于有丝分裂过程中纺锤体的行动非常重要。无论PLK4是否是影响胚胎中非整倍性增加的基因,rs2305957突变已经被证明在不同人群中出现的频率高达45%。
    原文标题:Common variants spanning PLK4 are associated with mitotic-origin aneuploidy in human embryos
    原文摘要:Aneuploidy, the inheritance of an atypical chromosome complement, is common in early human development and is the primary cause of pregnancy loss. By screening day-3 embryos during in vitro fertilization cycles, we identified an association between aneuploidy of putative mitotic origin and linked genetic variants on chromosome 4 of maternal genomes. This associated region contains a candidate gene, Polo-like kinase 4(PLK4), that plays a well-characterized role in centriole duplication and has the ability to alter mitotic fidelity upon minor dysregulation. Mothers with the high-risk genotypes contributed fewer embryos for testing at day 5, suggesting that their embryos are less likely to survive to blastocyst formation. The associated region coincides with a signature of a selective sweep in ancient humans, suggesting that the causal variant was either the target of selection or hitchhiked to substantial frequency.
