




    “也许他们与现代人群接触的少,因此出现了许多细菌多样性丢失,”文章的作者之一Jose Clemente表示。


    “抗生素耐药性确实是人体微生物的一种自然特征,在使用抗生素后会被激活,产生更大的抗性,”文章作者之一,华盛顿大学的Gautam Dantas说。“从原始部落中找到这些现代人已经不再使用的基因,这令我们感到十分惊讶。”




    原文链接:The microbiome of uncontacted Amerindians

    原文摘要:Most studies of the human microbiome have focused on westernized people with life-style practices that decrease microbial survival and transmission, or on traditional societies that are currently in transition to westernization. We characterize the fecal, oral, and skin bacterial microbiome and resistome of members of an isolated Yanomami Amerindian village with no documented previous contact with Western people. These Yanomami harbor a microbiome with the highest diversity of bacteria and genetic functions ever reported in a human group. Despite their isolation, presumably for >11,000 years since their ancestors arrived in South America, and no known exposure to antibiotics, they harbor bacteria that carry functional antibiotic resistance (AR) genes, including those that confer resistance to synthetic antibiotics and are syntenic with mobilization elements. These results suggest that westernization significantly affects human microbiome diversity and that functional AR genes appear to be a feature of the human microbiome even in the absence of exposure to commercial antibiotics. AR genes are likely poised for mobilization and enrichment upon exposure to pharmacological levels of antibiotics. Our findings emphasize the need for extensive characterization of the function of the microbiome and resistome in remote nonwesternized populations before globalization of modern practices affects potentially beneficial bacteria harbored in the human body.


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