
    美国怀俄明大学一项新的研究显示,当北极熊的摄食机会在夏季融冰期间受到限制时,它们可减少一些能量消耗,但这还不足以弥补相关的食物短缺。这项研究表明,海冰丧失的增加对这些食肉熊科动物构成了重大威胁。北极熊会在冰盖表面行走以寻觅食物。夏季,当冰融化时,它们的猎食地盘萎缩,它们可能会在岸上觅食,但那里的食物丰富程度较差。有些科学家曾经提出,尽管气候变化使其丧失在冰上觅食的机会,但北极熊可通过进入一种低能耗状态(被称作“行走冬眠”)从而代偿其被迫上岸觅食的活动,而这种策略可帮助其生存;但最近的研究提示,北极熊在炎热的月份会消耗相当多的能量,而这是北极熊通常会在较热的月份表现出的代谢特点。为了评估北极熊代谢率在夏季减少的程度,John Whiteman和同事用卫星项圈和手术植入的记录仪来持续监测北极熊夏季在冰上和岸上的活动与核心体温。在这两个栖息地的北极熊会将其体温和活动程度降低至积极猎取和觅食北极熊的水平之下,但并没有低至在冬眠时所观察到的节能水平。相反,所观察到的能耗下降反映的是禁食哺乳动物的状态,这种反应不能显著地节省能耗。该研究表明,当食物变得不甚丰富时,北极熊无法用降低代谢率来延长其对脂肪储存的依赖。因此,作者们说,北极熊在应对海冰减少时的代谢选项是有限的。

    文字说明: 2009年10月,在北冰洋深水区浮冰上的一头年幼的北极熊。

Summer declines in activity and body temperature offer polar bears limited energy savings

    原文摘要:Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) summer on the sea ice or, wher it melts, on shore. Although the physiology of “ice” bears in summer is unknown, “shore” bears purportedly minimize energy losses by entering a hibernation-like state when deprived of food. Such a strategy could partially compensate for the loss of on-ice foraging opportunities caused by climate change. However, here we report gradual, moderate declines in activity and body temperature of both shore and ice bears in summer, resembling energy expenditures typical of fasting, nonhibernating mammals. Also, we found that to avoid unsustainable heat loss while swimming, bears employed unusual heterothermy of the body core. Thus, although well adapted to seasonal ice melt, polar bears appear susceptible to deleterious declines in body condition during the lengthening period of summer food deprivation.

