

犹他大学的研究人员在Cell Reports杂志上发表文章指出,非经典印记(noncanonical imprinting)在大脑中特别普遍,让父亲或母亲在一些细胞亚群中拥有更大的话语权。这种非经典印记的出现更为频繁,似乎受到了某种偏爱。

“传统观点认为,遗传学印记在整个机体或组织水平上起作用。但我们发现这一机制其实是细胞水平上的,”文章的资深作者,犹他大学的助理教授Christopher Gregg说。“这比我们想象的要复杂得多。”





推荐原文:Noncanonical genomic imprinting effects in offspring

Here, we describe an RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq)-based approach that accurately detects even modest maternal or paternal allele expression biases at the tissue level, which we call noncanonical genomic imprinting effects. We profile imprinting in the arcuate nucleus (ARN) and dorsal raphe nucleus of the female mouse brain as well as skeletal muscle (mesodermal) and liver (endodermal). Our study uncovers hundreds of noncanonical autosomal and X-linked imprinting effects. Noncanonical imprinting is highly tissue-specific and enriched in the ARN, but rare in the liver. These effects are reproducible across different genetic backgrounds and associated with allele-specific chromatin. Using in situ hybridization for nascent RNAs, we discover that autosomal noncanonical imprinted genes with a tissue-level allele bias exhibit allele-specific expression effects in subpopulations of neurons in the brain in vivo. We define noncanonical imprinted genes that regulate monoamine signaling and determine that these effects influence the impact of inherited mutations on offspring behavior.
