Nature Comm:蚯蚓应对植物防御体系的办法

近期, Nature Communications上发表的一项研究发现,蚯蚓肠道中产生一类独特的化合物,它们能提供针对植物化学防御体系损伤效应的保护作用。这些化合物起表面活性剂的作用,降低化合物之间的表面张力或破坏它们的化学性质,其作用方式与洗碗液和其他清洁液相似,它们为蚯蚓应对再循环土壤中植物凋落物的挑战提供了一个重要的适应性手段。


Manuel Liebeke及同事采用各种不同方法来分析蚯蚓体在摄取植物多酚后的化学组成,观察这些化学物质在消化系统中的什么地方最活跃。他们识别出一组以前没有得到描述的、局限于肠道中的表面活性代谢物,并将其命名为“drilodefensins”(意为“蚯蚓防御素”),是按包含蚯蚓在内的无脊椎动物目的拉丁文名称Megadrile(意为“大蚯”)命名的。


原文标题:Unique metabolites protect earthworms against plant polyphenols

原文摘要:All higher plants produce polyphenols, for defence against above-ground herbivory. These polyphenols also influence the soil micro- and macro-fauna that break down plant leaf litter. Polyphenols therefore indirectly affect the fluxes of soil nutrients and, ultimately, carbon turnover and ecosystem functioning in soils. It is unknown how earthworms, the major component of animal biomass in many soils, cope with high-polyphenol diets. Here, we show that earthworms possess a class of unique surface-active metabolites in their gut, which we term ‘drilodefensins’. These compounds counteract the inhibitory effects of polyphenols on earthworm gut enzymes, and high-polyphenol diets increase drilodefensin concentrations in both laboratory and field populations. This shows that drilodefensins protect earthworms from the harmful effects of ingested polyphenols. We have identified the key mechanism for adaptation to a dietary challenge in an animal group that has a major role in organic matter recycling in soils worldwide.
