
    Cell发表多伦多大学的研究人员Andrew G. Fraser的一篇研究论文,论文通过检测了1400种基因突变的影响,发现许多突变可导致两种不同的表型的原因。

    在不同的人当中,相同的基因突变并不总是导致相同的表型,之前并无太多人了解该原因。多伦多大学Andrew Fraser说:“我们一个接一个地排查了了秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)基因组的基因,以探讨当我们敲除每个基因时会发生什么。”但是通过只对一个线虫品系进行研究,该研究团队意识到,他们可能会错过那些在不同线虫中产生不同影响的突变。所以他们花了近7年的时间,在2个线虫品系中筛查了1400个基因突变。




    原文链接:Natural Variation in Gene expression Modulates the Severity of Mutant Phenotypes.

    原文摘要:Many mutations cause genetic disorders. However, two people inheriting the same mutation often have different severity of symptoms, and this is partly genetic. The effects of genetic background on mutant phenotypes are poorly understood, but predicting them is critical for personalized medicine. To study this phenomenon comprehensively and systematically, we used RNAi to compare loss-of-function phenotypes for ∼1,400 genes in two isolates of C. elegans and find that ∼20% of genes differ in the severity of phenotypes in these two genetic backgrounds. Crucially, this effect of genetic background on the severity of both RNAi and mutant phenotypes can be predicted from variation in the expression levels of the affected gene. This is also true in mammalian cells, suggesting it is a general property of genetic networks. We suggest that differences in the manifestation of mutant phenotypes between individuals are largely the result of natural variation in gene expression.


下一篇:Cell Rep:科学家发现X染色体灭活相关基因