
  11月20日,《Science》杂志上发表洛克菲勒大学研究人员Alexander Jaworski发表的文章,研究揭示了大脑引导神经元轴突跨越脊髓中线的分子机制。这项研究不仅解决轴突导向的一个基本问题,还有助于修复中枢神经系统的损伤,了了解轴突引路的重要线索。阐明神经元连接的形成,利于研发修复神经的新疗法。









  原文链接:Operational redundancy in axon guidance through the multifunctional receptor Robo3 and its ligand NELL2


  原文摘要:Axon pathfinding is orchestrated by numerous guidance cues, including Slits and their Robo receptors, but it remains unclear how information from multiple cues is integrated or filtered. Robo3, a Robo family member, allows commissural axons to reach and cross the spinal cord midline by antagonizing Robo1/2–mediated repulsion from midline-expressed Slits and potentiating deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC)–mediated midline attraction to Netrin-1, but without binding either Slits or Netrins. We identified a secreted Robo3 ligand, neural epidermal growth factor-like-like 2 (NELL2), which repels mouse commissural axons through Robo3 and helps steer them to the midline. These findings identify NELL2 as an axon guidance cue and establish Robo3 as a multifunctional regulator of pathfinding that simultaneously mediates NELL2 repulsion, inhibits Slit repulsion, and facilitates Netrin attraction to achieve a common guidance purpose.

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