
    近日,著名国际期刊nature cell biology同时在线发表了来自美国安德森癌症中心的陈俊杰教授和来自美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的管坤良教授两位华人科学家研究组关于AMPK调控Hippo信号通路的两篇最新文章。






    而管坤良教授在另一篇文章中指出,磷酸激酶Lats能够对YAP进行磷酸化改变其细胞内定位,诱导YAP发生蛋白酶体降解,从而抑制YAP功能。YAP能够通过结合TEAD转录因子家族诱导基因表达。Hippo-YAP途径的紊乱常在人类肿瘤细胞中出现。他们发现细胞能量应激会诱导AMPK依赖性的Lats激活对YAP进行磷酸化,进而抑制YAP活性。通过进一步研究发现AMPK能够直接对YAP ser94进行磷酸化,由于ser94对于YAP与TEAD结合至关重要,因此阻断了YAP-TEAD的相互作用。AMPK阻断YAP活性能够抑制Lats缺失细胞中YAP高活性造成的致癌性转化。这项研究建立了AMPK通过能量水平调节Hippo-YAP途径的分子机制,证明了AMPK在调节该途径方面的功能重要性。




    原文链接:AMPK modulates Hippo pathway activity to regulate energy homeostasis

The Hippo pathway was discovered as a conserved tumour suppressor pathway restricting cell proliferation and apoptosis. However, the upstream signals that regulate the Hippo pathway in the context of organ size control and cancer prevention are largely unknown. Here, we report that glucose, the ubiquitous energy source used for ATP generation, regulates the Hippo pathway downstream effector YAP. We show that both the Hippo pathway and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) were activated during glucose starvation, resulting in phosphorylation of YAP and contributing to its inactivation. We also identified glucose-transporter 3 (GLUT3) as a YAP-regulated gene involved in glucose metabolism. Together, these results demonstrate that glucose-mediated energy homeostasis is an upstream event involved in regulation of the Hippo pathway and, potentially, an oncogenic function of YAP in promoting glycolysis, thereby providing an exciting link between glucose metabolism and the Hippo pathway in tissue maintenance and cancer prevention.
