

    人体皮肤包含大约200亿个记忆T细胞,是免疫细胞库的一部分,保护宿主不受众多病原体的侵害。三月十八日在《科学转化医学》(Science Translational Medicine)发表的一项研究,对这些皮肤记忆性T细胞进行了分析和归类。


    洛克菲勒大学皮肤病专家James Krueger没有参与这项工作,他评论说:“这项工作对皮肤免疫系统,进行了关键性和开创性的重新定义。”

明尼苏达大学的免疫学家David Masopust指出:“记忆T细胞是适应性免疫系统的一部分。在历史上,我们通过在免疫系统自身的器官(如淋巴结)中研究这些细胞,已经了解了自适应(T细胞 )反应。那是因为人们长期以来推测,虽然T细胞访问过人体的外周组织,它们最终会回流到淋巴结。但是,最近的证据显示,某些T细胞永远存在于外周组织。它们在你生病、受感染的时候进来,但是他们本质上适应那个组织环境,使它们生活在那里。”


    事实上,布里格姆妇女医院的Rachael Clark和她的同事们以前曾发现了一组记忆T细胞,它们从未离开过皮肤——所谓的定居细胞(resident cell)。现在她和她的同事们更深入地研究了这些细胞,发现了两种不同的类型。此外,Clark的研究小组发现,皮肤还有两种类型的记忆T细胞来来往往——所谓的再循环细胞。这四种记忆细胞类型,每种都有其自身的特点。










    原文链接:Human skin is protected by four functionally and phenotypically discrete populations of resident and recirculating memory T cells

The skin of an adult human contains about 20 billion memory T cells. Epithelial barrier tissues are infiltrated by a combination of resident and recirculating T cells in mice, but the relative proportions and functional activities of resident versus recirculating T cells have not been evaluated in human skin. We discriminated resident from recirculating T cells in human-engrafted mice and lymphoma patients using alemtuzumab, a medication that depletes recirculating T cells from skin, and then analyzed these T cell populations in healthy human skin. All nonrecirculating resident memory T cells (TRM) expressed CD69, but most were CD4+, CD103-, and located in the dermis, in contrast to studies in mice. Both CD4+ and CD8+ CD103+ TRM were enriched in the epidermis, had potent effector functions, and had a limited proliferative capacity compared to CD103- TRM. TRM of both types had more potent effector functions than recirculating T cells. We observed two distinct populations of recirculating T cells, CCR7+/L-selecin+ central memory T cells (TCM) and CCR7+/L-selectin- T cells, which we term migratory memory T cells (TMM). Circulating skin-tropic TMM were intermediate in cytokine production between TCM and effector memory T cells. In patients with cutaneous T cell lymphoma, malignant TCM and TMMinduced distinct inflammatory skin lesions, and TMM were depleted more slowly from skin after alemtuzumab, suggesting that TMM may recirculate more slowly. In summary, human skin is protected by four functionally distinct populations of T cells, two resident and two recirculating, with differing territories of migration and distinct functional activities.


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