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Cell Reoports:调节机体软骨形成的蛋白

    近日国际杂志Cell Reoports发表来自东京大学等处的研究人员上的一篇研究论文,研究阐明了名为Sox9的蛋白质调节软骨产生的分子机制。表明软骨不仅可以帮助确定人体耳朵和鼻子的形状,其还可以帮助机体呼吸并且形成健康的骨质,而这过程对机体存活十分重要。




    原文链接:Distinct Transcriptional Programs Underlie Sox9 Regulation of the Mammalian Chondrocyte

    原文摘要:Sox9 encodes an essential transcriptional regulator of chondrocyte specification and differentiation. When Sox9 nuclear activity was compared with markers of chromatin organization and transcriptional activity in primary chondrocytes, we identified two distinct categories of target association. Class I sites cluster around the transcriptional start sites of highly expressed genes with no chondrocyte-specific signature. Here, Sox9 association reflects protein-protein association with basal transcriptional components. Class II sites highlight evolutionarily conserved active enhancers that direct chondrocyte-related gene activity through the direct binding of Sox9 dimer complexes to DNA. Sox9 binds through sites with sub-optimal binding affinity; the number and grouping of enhancers into super-enhancer clusters likely determines the levels of target gene expression. Interestingly, comparison of Sox9 action in distinct chondrocyte lineages points to similar regulatory strategies. In addition to providing insights into Sox family action, our comprehensive identification of the chondrocyte regulatory genome will facilitate the study of skeletal development and human disease.

