
    约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院(Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public health)的研究人员近日开发出一种鼻腔喷雾流感疫苗,对那些两岁以下和49岁以上的人群有效。这项成果于近日在线发表在《Vaccine》上。

    这项研究的负责人是布隆伯格公共卫生学院的副教授Andrew Pekosz博士。他表示:“我们认为,我们可以利用合理设计的方法,为那些真正需要的人制作出更好的流感疫苗。最终,我们通过精细而准确的方式做到了,而不是盲目的方式。”







     原文检索Restricted replication of the live attenuated influenza A virus vaccine during infection of primary differentiated human nasal epithelial cells
Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV) strains are associated with cold adapted, temperature sensitive and attenuated phenotypes that have been studied in non-human or immortalized cell cultures as well as in animal models. Using a primary, differentiated human nasal epithelial cell (hNEC) culture system we compared the replication kinetics, levels of cell-associated viral proteins and virus particle release during infection with LAIV or the corresponding wild type (WT) influenza viruses. At both 33°C and 37°C, seasonal influenza virus and an antigenically matched LAIV replicated to similar titers in MDCK cells but seasonal influenza virus replicated to higher titers than LAIV in hNEC cultures, suggesting a greater restriction of LAIV replication in hNEC cultures. Despite the disparity in infectious virus production, the supernatants from H1N1 and LAIV infected hNEC cultures had equivalent amounts of viral proteins and hemagglutination titers, suggesting the formation of non-infectious virus particles by LAIV in hNEC cultures.


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