Nat Mater:哈佛大学研究学者发表干细胞研究文章

    9月14日顶级期刊Nature Materials杂志上发表哈佛大学Wyss研究所的David Mooney教授的一篇研究论文,Mooney教授及其同事将干细胞植入多孔的可移植水凝胶,显著改善了干细胞的生存和分化情况,更好地实现了骨骼修复。


    干细胞治疗被许多人视为下一次医疗革命,不过这种疗法目前还存在一些技术问题。举例来说,干细胞移植之后存活率较低,干细胞分化在体内难以实现精确控制。著名材料科学家,哈佛大学Wyss研究所的David Mooney教授最近解决了这个问题。






    Nathaniel Huebsch说“基于对机械敏感性干细胞的经验,我们认为可以用水凝胶为骨骼再生提供支持”。


    这一方法的关键在于结合了两种不同属性的水凝胶,“bulk gel”和“porogen”。研究人员将来自真实干细胞巢的多肽连接在稳定的“bulk gel”上,然后将其与“porogen”和组织特异性干细胞混合,构建了促进骨骼生成的人工干细胞巢。“bulk gel”负责提供适当的弹性和促进干细胞增殖和成熟的化学信号,“porogen”逐步降解给干细胞留下扩增空间。




    原文链接:Matrix elasticity of void-forming hydrogels controls transplanted-stem-cell-mediated bone formation


    原文摘要:The effectiveness of stem cell therapies has been hampered by cell death and limited control over fate. These problems can be partially circumvented by using macroporous biomaterials that improve the survival of transplanted stem cells and provide molecular cues to direct cell phenotype. Stem cell behaviour can also be controlled in vitro by manipulating the elasticity of both porous and non-porous materials, yet translation to therapeutic processes in vivo remains elusive. Here, by developing injectable, void-forming hydrogels that decouple pore formation from elasticity, we show that mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) osteogenesis in vitro, and cell deployment in vitro and in vivo, can be controlled by modifying, respectively, the hydrogel’s elastic modulus or its chemistry. When the hydrogels were used to transplant MSCs, the hydrogel’s elasticity regulated bone regeneration, with optimal bone formation at 60 kPa. Our findings show that biophysical cues can be harnessed to direct therapeutic stem cell behaviours in situ.

上一篇:Nat Com:细胞穿透肽能将治疗蛋白送进大脑