
    美西南渔业科学中心新发现一种有一颗温血心脏的深水鱼,能将哺乳动物和鸟类与像鱼等动物区分开来的一样东西是前者具有将其整个身体内部加热至高于外界温度的能力。据Nicholas Wegner和同事的一项新的报告透露,尽管某些大型掠食性鱼类(如金枪鱼)在追捕猎物时被证明会暂时性地加热肌肉或器官,但至少有一种鱼可能在这方面做得更棒,因为它们能产生内热来同时加热其心与脑。这种被称作月鱼的深水鱼会在“扑动”其胸鳍时利用其所产的热。月鱼是通过存在的一种“神奇血管网”(retia mirabilia)来做到这一点的;该神奇网是一些密密麻麻的血管,它能用肌肉做功时产热加温的静脉血来给冷的在鳃处氧合的动脉血加温。月鱼的神奇血管网被堆叠成热交换层并被其鳃弓内的脂肪性结缔组织所隔绝,这有效地保护了该系统的热不会丧失。研究人员说,在具有温热的心与脑的情况下,月鱼能在寒冷的深水区活动,其方式类似像金枪鱼等高能力的掠食动物。

    文字说明: 与身体其它部位一样,眼睛和脑部温度上升应使月鱼的视觉时间分辨率和神经传导增加。


    原文链接:Whole-body endothermy in a mesopelagic fish, the opah, Lampris guttatus


    原文摘要:Endothermy (the metabolic production and retention of heat to warm body temperature above ambient) enhances physiological function, and whole-body endothermy generally sets mammals and birds apart from other animals. Here, we describe a whole-body form of endothermy in a fish, the opah (Lampris guttatus), that produces heat through the constant “flapping” of wing-like pectoral fins and minimizes heat loss through aseries of counter-current heat exchangers within its gills. Unlike other fish, opah distribute warmed blood throughout the body, including to the heart, enhancing physiological performance and buffering internal organ function while foraging in the cold, nutrient-rich waters below the ocean thermocline.

