
    根据本周发表在《Scientific Reports》上的一则研究显示,酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)不同的遗传种群可以对葡萄酒的味道和香气产生影响。




    通过在在新西兰六个主要的葡萄酒产区使用六种不同的酿酒酵母,Sarah Knight,Matthew Goddard和他们的研究团队研究了酿酒酵母对于葡萄酒的风土影响。研究者测量了39种来自包括酯类和醇在内的化合物的浓度,这些化合物都来自酵母发酵葡萄酒的过程,会影响味道和香气。研究者发现,39种化合物中有29种都会随着不同的酵母地理来源而出现变化。




    原文链接:Regional microbial signatures positively correlate with differential wine phenotypes: evidence for a microbial aspect to terroir


    原文摘要:Many crops display differential geographic phenotypes and sensorial signatures, encapsulated by the concept of terroir. The drivers behind these differences remain elusive, and the potential contribution of microbes has been ignored until recently. Significant genetic differentiation between microbial communities and populations from different geographic locations has been demonstrated, but crucially it has not been shown whether this correlates with differential agricultural phenotypes or not. Using wine as a model system, we utilize the regionally genetically differentiated population of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in New Zealand and objectively demonstrate that these populations differentially affect wine phenotype, which is driven by a complex mix of chemicals. These findings reveal the importance of microbial populations for the regional identity of wine, and potentially extend to other important agricultural commodities. Moreover, this suggests that long-term implementation of methods maintaining differential biodiversity may have tangible economic imperatives as well as being desirable in terms of employing agricultural practices that increase responsible environmental stewardship.

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