ent Biology:巴西蜜蜂必须培育真菌喂养幼虫

   近日,国际学术期刊《Cell》子刊《Current Biology》在线发表了巴西农业研究合作中心Cristiano Menezes研究员的一篇研究文章,研究指出蜜蜂培育真菌喂养幼蜂,为幼虫提供额外的食物。



但是对于巴西无刺蜜蜂Scaptotrigona depilis来说,真菌就意味着能否生存。更重要的是,如果其他蜜蜂也依赖于真菌生存,发现严重影响了农业杀菌剂的使用。

当巴西农业研究合作中心的Cristiano Menezes在实验室中研究蜜蜂时,他们一开始把蜂巢中生长的白色红曲霉真菌误认为是污染物。







     当蜜蜂离开开始一个新地方,他们带着一些耵聍建造新蜂巢结构,所以他们的真菌农场来了。荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的Duur Aanen说“很明显,这种真菌有利于蜜蜂传播繁殖,在新地方和巢内提供一个受保护的环境”。




   原文链接:A Brazilian Social Bee Must Cultivate Fungus to Survive


   原文摘要:The nests of social insects provide suitable microenvironments for many microorganisms as they offer stable environmental conditions and a rich source of food . Microorganisms in turn may provide several benefits to their hosts, such as nutrients and protection against pathogens. Several examples of symbiosis between social insects and microorganisms have been found in ants and termites. These symbioses have driven the evolution of complex behaviors and nest structures associated with the culturing of the symbiotic microorganisms. However, while much is known about these relationships in many species of ants and termites, symbiotic relationships between microorganisms and social bees have been poorly explored. Here, we report the first case of an obligatory relationship between the Brazilian stingless bee Scaptotrigona depilis and a fungus of the genus Monascus (Ascomycotina). Fungal mycelia growing on the provisioned food inside the brood cell are eaten by the larva. Larvae reared in vitro on sterilized larval food supplemented with fungal mycelia had a much higher survival rate (76%) compared to larvae reared under identical conditions but without fungal mycelia (8% survival). The fungus was found to originate from the material from which the brood cells are made. Since the bees recycle and transport this material between nests, fungus would be transferred to newly built cells and also to newly founded nests. This is the first report of a fungus cultivation mutualism in a social bee.
