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    生物学研究离不开定量。对于绝对定量,通常需要利用已知浓度的分子绘制标准曲线。最近,麻省理工学院、梅约诊所和赛默飞世尔科技的研究人员在《Nature Communications》杂志上介绍了一种新方法,能利用串联质谱仪对多个蛋白质进行绝对定量。


    这种方法称为MARQUIS(Multiplex Absolute Regressed Quantification with Internal Standards),依靠两种现成的技术:重同位素标记的合成肽段以及质谱的同位素标记试剂。iTRAQ和TMT等试剂有着相同的分子量,但在质谱仪内产生特征的片段。


     在MARQUIS方法中,对于每个待定量的肽段,研究人员建立重同位素标记的肽段。他们以不同的量混合这些肽段,并在组织或细胞裂解后立即将一种混合物加入每个生物样品中。研究小组的负责人Forest White认为:“这是关键的一步。你要尽早加入这些肽段,这样重同位素标记肽段和内源肽段的损失可同时发生。”







据介绍,MARQUIS能同时定量10个样品中多达100种肽段。这只需要一台串联质谱仪(如三重四级杆)、市售的同位素标记试剂,以及重同位素标记的合成肽段。White 认为:“每个人都能实现。我们希望创建出一种相当简单的方法,而不需要什么诀窍。”

     原文链接:MARQUIS: A multiplex method for absolute quantification of peptides and posttranslational modifications

 Absolute quantification of protein expression and posttranslational modifications by mass spectrometry has been challenging due to a variety of factors, including the potentially large dynamic range of phosphorylation response. To address these issues, we have developed MARQUIS—Multiplex Absolute Regressed Quantification with Internal Standards—a novel mass spectrometry-based approach using a combination of isobaric tags and heavy-labelled standard peptides, to construct internal standard curves for peptides derived from key nodes in signal transduction networks. We applied MARQUIS to quantify phosphorylation dynamics within the EGFRnetwork at multiple time points following stimulation with several ligands, enabling a quantitative comparison of EGFR phosphorylation sites and demonstrating that receptor phosphorylation is qualitatively similar but quantitatively distinct for each EGFR ligand tested. MARQUIS was also applied to quantify the effect of EGFR kinase inhibition on glioblastoma patient-derived xenografts. MARQUIS is a versatile method, broadly applicable and extendable to multiple mass spectrometric platforms.


