

    已知CCM2通过与MEKK3(mitogen-activated protein kinase)相互作用对其信号进行负调控,或者在面临渗透压力时介导MEKK3信号的激活,这对于正常的心血管发育很重要。不过,人们此前还不了解CCM2-MEKK3互作的分子基础。

    中科院生物物理所的研究团队通过结构分析,揭示了CCM2和MEKK3之间的分子识别机制。这一成果发表在五月十四日的Structure杂志上,文章的通讯作者是中科院生物物理所的丁璟珒(Jingjin Ding)博士和王大成(Da-Cheng Wang)院士。


    研究人员获得了CCM2 C端部分(CCM2ct)的晶体结构,包含五螺旋结构域(CCM2cts)和后面的C端尾巴。他们发现,C端尾巴是一个单独的螺旋,与CCM2cts进行分子内互作,形成球形的六螺旋结构域。(延伸阅读:中科院院士Cell子刊发表新研究成果)

    生化研究表明,MEKK3的N端两亲螺旋(MEKK3-nhelix)是CCM2ct结合的基本结构元件。研究人员进一步分析了CCM2cts- MEKK3-nhelix复合体的晶体结构,发现它们之间的结合类似于CCM2ct 的分子内互作,MEKK3-nhelix就位于在分子内互作位点上。


    原文标题:Structural Insights into the Molecular Recognition between Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 2 and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 3

    原文摘要:ABSTRACT Escherichia coli MutT hydrolyzes 8-oxo-dGTP to 8-oxo-dGMP, an event that can prevent the misincorporation of 8-oxoguanine opposite adenine in DNA. Of the several enzymes that recognize 8-oxoguanine, MutT exhibits high substrate specificity for 8-oxoguanine nucleotides; however, the structural basis for this specificity is unknown. The crystal structures of MutT in the apo and holo forms and in the binary and ternary forms complexed with the product 8-oxo-dGMP and 8-oxo-dGMP plus Mn(2+), respectively, were determined. MutT strictly recognizes the overall conformation of 8-oxo-dGMP through a number of hydrogen bonds. This recognition mode revealed that 8-oxoguanine nucleotides are discriminated from guanine nucleotides by not only the hydrogen bond between the N7-H and Odelta (N119) atoms but also by the syn glycosidic conformation that 8-oxoguanine nucleotides prefer. Nevertheless, these discrimination factors cannot by themselves explain the roughly 34,000-fold difference between the affinity of MutT for 8-oxo-dGMP and dGMP. When the binary complex of MutT with 8-oxo-dGMP is compared with the ligand-free form, ordering and considerable movement of the flexible loops surrounding 8-oxo-dGMP in the binary complex are observed. These results indicate that MutT specifically recognizes 8-oxoguanine nucleotides by the ligand-induced conformational change.

